20 A/B Testing Tools for Mobile Apps / How To Set Up Events In Autosend Visual Mode

Learn how to set up events in Visual Mode. This will tell us which events will trigger a message to your users. This is the easiest way to add events and is ideal for non-technical users to set up Autosend.

Log in and go to the visual mode screen

  1. Log into your Autosend account.
  2. Click on the menu bar in the top left corner of your screen
  3. On the left side of your screen, click on “Code/Setup”.
  4. At the top right of your screen, click on “Visual Mode”.

Enter Your Website’s URL

Learn how to create a rule in Autosend to send message to your users. This will tell us which message should be sent when users do things in your app. 1. Enter the URL for your page
    • The JavaScript snippet must already be on your website
    • If your URLs are dynamic (i.e. http://mysite.com/user/123456/), you must the JavaScript API instead
2 . Click on the “Start Visual Mode” button to begin.

Add Your Events

2. Now it’s time to tell us what message to send based on what a user does in your app (or based on the event they trigger).

Let’s say you wanted to send a welcome email to a new user once they reached the sign up page 2 minutes later. To setup events on clicks or buttons (ex. I want to trigger something when a user clicks this link).
  1. Right-Click on any link or button to add an event.
  2. After “send an” select what type of message you want to send from the drop down.
  3. Select the time you want to send the message. This will be the amount of time that passes after a user triggers the event.

3. Now write your message.

This is the message your users will receive. Although each message type has it’s own small differences, for instance an email will have a subject, but a push notification has a title, you create them the same way. We’ve detailed how to create each message below:
  1. How to create a triggered email message in Autosend?
  2. How to create a triggered web push notification in Autosend?
  3. How to create a triggered mobile push notification in Autosend?
  4. How to create a triggered SMS in Autosend?

4. OPTIONAL STEP: Tell us who to leave out.

This is where you tell us what events to exclude from this rule just in case a user triggers multiple events. For instance, if you want to send an email to every trial user that hasn’t upgraded, you can exclude every user that has purchased from receiving this email. All you do is:
  1. Enter the event name you made in Visual Mode or via the API for the users you want to exclude. (example: upgraded).

5. Click on the “Create Rule” button and you’re done.

Posted in: Basic Setup