20 A/B Testing Tools for Mobile Apps / How to Use Autosend To Email Users

How to Use Autosend To Email Users

  There are plenty of interesting ways you can use email messages to stay in contact with your users. Here are just a few ways to get the ideas flowing.

How to Welcome New Users With Email

  1. Crete an event for new users user.
  2. Create a rule like this: If a user joined, send an email 10 minutes later. Note: Your event name may be different. Go to learn mode or the API to see what name you gave your event.
  3. Write a message like this: “Welcome {{Customer Name}}! I noticed you just signed up a few minutes and wanted to take a second to say thank you. I know it’s hard using a new service so I’ve included a few things to help you get started…”
  4. Press “Save Rule” and you’re done.

How to Offer Help To Users Before They Ask with Email

  1. Crete an event for users that stay on a page or activity longer than the average user.
  2. Create a rule like this: If a user inactive, send an email 1 day later. Note: Your event name may be different. Go to learn mode or the API to see what name you gave your event.
  3. Write a message like this: “Where have you been {{Customer Name}}? We miss you. Come back to check out our newest feature!”
  4. Press “Save Rule” and you’re done.

How to Personally Follow Up with A Support Ticket with Email

  1. Crete an event for users that had a solved pre-sales support ticket. You can either create this with a landing page event by adding the event to a solved ticket confirmation page or through the API.
  2. Create a rule like this: If a user presaleSupport, send an email 1 day later. Note: Your event name may be different. Go to learn mode or the API to see what name you gave your event.
  3. Write a message like this: “Hey {{Customer Name}}? Just wanted to know if you had any more questions. I know I always think of new questions only AFTER I finish speaking to someone, so I just wanted to follow up, lol. Let me know, I’m here to help.”

  Want more ideas? Feel free to check out our blog or email us! We’re full of ideas.
Article Name
How to Use Autosend To Automatically Email Users
There are plenty of interesting ways you can use email messages to stay in contact with your users. Here are just a few ways to get the ideas flowing.

Posted in: Ways to Use Autosend