
Go where your customers are.

Inside or outside of your app - we've got you covered.

Phone support

Unlimited email


Unlimited In-app messages

Simple, flexible pricing that scales with you.


10,000 SMS messages


Unlimited email


Email support




500 SMS messages

30,000 SMS messages


Unlimited email

Free Plan

Unlimited In-app messages

500 active users

Unlimited In-app messages

10,000 active users

Email support

30,000 active users

50 messaged users | 25 SMS messages | 50 Email & In-App Messages


Over 2,000 awesome customers are reimagining customer communication with Autosend today.


Need More? Contact Us for Enterprise Pricing.

Pricing & Billing FAQ

What are active users?

Can I downgrade at any time?

The number of unique customers you message per month. Example: Susan joins and uses your website. You have hundreds of other customers using your website but you only send Susan messages this month. Susan is your one active customer on Lifecycle for that month.

We'll email you when your account is nearing it's limit. If you hit the limit, we'll charge your account $50 for every additional 100 SMS messages, or active users for the current billing period.

What happens when I hit the monthly SMS or active customer max?

Yes! You can downgrade to any plan at any time.

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Start sending better messages today!