Favorite Email of the Week – ClickInsights Trial End


Favorite Email of the Week – Clickinsights Trial End

The Email:


Hey Ashli,

I noticed you’ve decided to not buy a subscription to ClickInsights.io.
I’m curious, what’s holding you back from buying today?
It’s priced too high for what I need
I don’t fully understand how to use it
It doesn’t work like I thought it would
Something else



What I like about it:

THE SUBJECT LINE. It’s just “curious?”. Seriously. That’s the entire subject line and I think it’s perfect. A human is just “curious?”. Robots and companies would say more 😉
It’s plain text. Humans send emails like this – in plain text (seeing a theme here).
It gives me a few quick options to click to tell you what I think. Whew…now I don’t have to think (or more likely – ignore your email).
When I click on one of the options Clickinsights “eats their own dog food” and uses the tool Clickinsights to let me tell them more instead of asking for it up front.
It’s from a human – not info@clickinsights not no-reply@clickinsights….it’s from Tony!

What would I change/add:

A/B test the first sentence. Tony kind of assumes I’ve made the decision – when in reality I got his trial ending emails, put it in my mental to do list, and never got around to it (ok – completely forgot about). Maybe something like “I noticed you haven’t upgraded to get the full benefits of ClickInsights.io yet.” or “ I see you haven’t upgraded to get unlimited surveys yet.” Something like this.
For users that don’t open this email within 5 days (and gave him permission to reach out by text message), send this same message via text and see what kind of response he gets.

Tony from ClickInsights on the results of this email:

It’s been a really helpful survey email for me.

“Something Else” is the most popular option and most people leave a comment. I see a lot of trials expire because many people want to use this on an irregular basis (few times a year, when they think about it), so paying monthly doesn’t seem justified for that use case (Which I understand). I’ve re-written my onboarding emails to basically discourage people who use this in an ad-hoc way and that they’ll get more value and feedback when they use this in an automated way. Such as how I used it for my onboarding, subscription trials, etc.. the $20/mo is totally worth it for me, because I’m collecting helpful feedback every day, automatically.

Long term, we’ll likely need a “pay as you go” type of plan.


P.S. Make sure to check out our resource page to help you find tools to send awesome emails and more.