How to Grow Your Email List without Creating New Content

How to Grow Your Email List without Creating New Content

Content can do wonders for your email list building efforts.

The problem is, good content can be expensive and time-consuming to create. And some forms of content stop delivering results after a week or two.

Here are 4 ways to collect more emails using your existing content.

1. Recycle content

Turn your blog posts into ebooks, checklists, templates, and other content that you can give in exchange for emails.

Repackage your old blog posts, ebooks, and free guides  into success kits. You can organize these kits by topic or audience. These kits should include the best of your content edited to flow together

2. Create a resource page

A resource page is just a page on your website with links to your content – like this and this. Resources pages are your chance to get your website visitors to opt in for your longer form content.

Create a resource page categorized by topic and content type. Use images like ebook covers and write a one-line description for each piece of content.

Most resource pages have free ebooks, case studies, whitepapers, and reports. You can also link to popular blog posts, infographics, recorded and upcoming webinars.

3. Optimize your landing pages

Start with writing copy that clearly shows what people will learn from your content. Bullet points work well for this. You should also use a well designed ebook covers and display them prominently on your landing pages.

Use social proof to convince visitors that the ebook is worth their time and contact information. Add testimonials about the book, the number of downloads, author bios and even previews.

For a big jump in conversions, try asking only for a name and email and getting other information later on.

4. Turn PDF content into emails and social shares


People are most likely to act when they’re getting value out of your content – as they’re reading it. With a tool like PDFLeads, you can collect emails as people interact with your ebook, white paper, or other content in PDF form.

PDFLeads lets you embed your PDF documents onto a web page with email capture forms and social sharing buttons.

You can use it to turn your PDF content into webpages optimized for conversions. Without leaving the page, readers will be able to share your content and opt-in for more with their emails.

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Article Name
How to Grow Your Email List without Creating New Content
Content can do wonders for your email list building efforts. Here are 4 ways to collect more emails using your existing content.